Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Everyone seems better at parenting than I am....

My son is screaming. I am the one responsible for addressing this...I cannot. His crying hurts me. It makes me cry. I must be codependent. Being a mother is really really hard. It's really really hard without a mom. not that I ever had a mom...
And I really really miss my mom, because she was really really good at making up excuses like fairy tales and then reciting them over and over and over again until they got stuck in my brain and now they are all I can hear while I am trying to stay centered and my son is still screaming and crying.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

My dear neglected blog

Dear blog,
You are one more neglected thing in my life. It seems I am always neglecting something and I'm pretty sure I know why that is. Because I was neglected and this is the way I get back at those who neglected me, by doing it to myself. Look, I get it that my logic here is a little wonky. Wonky tonky in fact. It's just that this is the way it is right now. I hope you can understand and I hope you can forgive me and mostly I hope that you can be very very patient with me.
Thank you,
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